Process Quality:


The whole production (100%) which comes out from the machine is verified with the following destructive and nondestructive tests based on the specific standard rules.


MACE verifies 10-250 bar pressure for 15 minutes in a water tank, in order to check that no tube has porosity. We use this test rather than others; because the bubble method has been proved to be the best to ensure tightness.

Next you will find the UNE-EN standards applied by MACE:

  • UNE EN ISO 9001:2015.
  • UNE EN 10217-7 (Welded stainless steel tubes for pressure purposes, technical supply conditions, stainless steel tubes).
  • We carry out the following leak tests: UNE-EN 13184 (pressure change method) and UNE-EN 1593 (Bubble emission technique). These two regulations come from UNE-EN 1779 (Criteria for selecting the method and technique).
  • Other types of tests applied:
    • DIN 10233 changed by UNE – EN 8492 (Flattening test)
    • DIN 10234 changed by UNE – EN 8493 (Drift expanding test)
    • UNE – EN 1127 (Dimensions and tolerances).



Origin Quality

All our raw material comes from western suppliers and meets all EU standards.

Product Quality

The experience acquired in manufacturing, repairing and maintenance of all types of machinery (for the glass, rubber, automotive and tube industries) has enabled us to achieve a level of knowledge and sophistication, which has turned into the development of our own machinery for the tube production.

MACE currently has several automated production lines that ensure our customers’ orders supply.

In parallel with the tube production section, MACE also has a learning and development department in which both the tube behavior and coil handling are studied. This continuous learning seeks to provide our customers with support and feedback regarding tube handling.

A part from the above mentioned, MACE has its own mechanizing and maintenance sections with highly qualified staff. This provides us with a rapid incorporation of improvements into both our own and our customer’s production. As a result, the quality of our products improves continuously and this allows us to have the control over our products from their design until the final phase of the machine or the finished implements.

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